Sunday, February 19, 2012

Corps Cadet Sunday in Anchorage

I was blessed today with the opportunity to preach on Corps Cadet Sunday on "Heart to God & Hand to Man." The Corps Cadets and their leader did a great job in organizing and leading almost every part of the Holiness meeting. God was good and we had people of all ages at the mercy seat, both young and old. God is amazing!

To listen to the message just visit the sermon player at... or via the tab above labeled "Captain Mark's current sermons". Once there just click the triangle on the left to play or click title of the sermon to "show details", there you can download an mp3, find a manuscript or notes, or a brief description of the topic.

For other sermons feel free to check out the sermon sites at or
God bless your study!

Live holy, preach Jesus!

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