Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Reposting - "Rebranding the Great Commission"

Interesting article - check it out at this link, or read it all below...


"Rebranding the Great Commission"

Greg Stier on Rebranding the Great Commission
"It’s time to rebrand the Great Commission for a postmodern generation," says Greg Stier.

Did you know that the term “the Great Commission” is never found in the Bible? It was a moniker developed by missionaries in the late 18th Century. I’m sure it sounded very hip then but, heck, so did the King James Version.

Thou knowest tis true.

The missionaries who coined the term “the Great Commission” developed it to infuse interest in it in the hearts of their audiences. They wanted to use a term that would attract people to join Jesus in the greatest mission of all time to tell the greatest story ever told. They hoped that this term would recruit more givers and goers when it came to missions work, especially when it came to young people. They succeeded. The term was used to recruit thousands upon thousands into foreign missions.

The problem with TGC term is that, whenever we use it, teens scratch their heads in confusion, youth leaders’ eyes glaze over, and pastors robotically nod their heads in agreement (because they know they are supposed to). The term has lost its panache with today’s culture.

A new generation lies waiting to be challenged to accomplish the ultimate mission, and we are using an ad campaign from a few centuries ago to motivate them. Imagine if companies were still using the same commercials from twenty years ago to get people to buy their products. (”Yes, we know tricks are for kids…let it go! We like your cereal, but we hate your commercials!”) We’d call these companies crazy and then watch them go bankrupt.

So why are we using an ad campaign for Christ’s last and lasting mandate developed by Europeans from the late 1700’s who wouldn’t know an iPhone from Ichabod to motivate people to go and make disciples? Don’t get me wrong, commission cereal is still delicious, but we need a new and improved commercial.
Silly rabbit!

It’s time to rebrand the Great Commission for a postmodern generation. I propose we call it THE Cause. Why? Because people are into causes today, especially young people (if you don’t believe me, you need to sign up for Facebook…after your first hundred or so cause invitations, you’ll change your mind). And the ultimate cause is the timeless command of Jesus in Matthew 28:19 to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” Here Jesus is calling his young followers to invade and persuade, to make disciples who make disciples until every nation has heard the good news.

This is THE Cause of causes. While there are some good causes out there that we can be involved with, some goofy causes that we should avoid, there is one cause that we must all embrace. It is THE Cause that Jesus left us with before He ascended into heaven. We are to spend the majority of our time, talent, and treasure making disciples who make disciples.

So let’s harness the cause-centric mindset of the next generation to accomplish THE Cause. By the way, our vision for THE Cause at Dare 2 Share is to mobilize teenagers on every one of the 67,342 high school and middle schools in America who will relationally and relentlessly make disciples who make disciples.
Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, he told his disciples, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) Immediately after he reminded them of THE Cause they were supposed to be doing, “he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.” (Acts 1:9)

Jesus reminded them of what they were called to do and then floated away. I love what happened next, “They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. ‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.’” (Acts 1:10-11)

So why are you sitting here reading this blog (and why am I sitting here writing it, for that matter?) Let’s get on it. Let’s accomplish THE Cause before Jesus comes back! But before I go, I have to ask you one more question…

More from Greg Stier or visit Greg at www.dare2share.org
Live holy, preach Jesus!

Monday, October 25, 2010

A link & a tip for using prayer to share your verbal witness.

First just a forward from "OneNewsNow" link click here The team that prays together... (OneNewsNow.com)
For the The world will be getting more and more upset (persecution) as we stand up for our Savior Jesus Christ.

Now a thought on praying your witness... Use Jesus' Name in your prayers and pray often. I had someone just a few months ago mention that they heard me pray "the way of salvation" in front of others at a community event and he said it was a great way to take advantage of public prayer. Basically as we started the event I prayed something like, "Jesus I thank you for your gift of salvation offered freely by your life, death, and resurrection, so that sinners like me can accept you by faith, repent of our sins, and choose to live our lives for you. I thank you that living according to Your Word promises that it will bring You glory and that it's for our own good right now today"... then I went on to thank God for some of our blessings, and asked His blessings on that days events.

It's not that hard to mention God's plan of salvation in your prayers. In fact it would be a pretty weird thing for someone to interrupt your prayer time (although you might hear about it later), but at least you got it out there where people could hear it. What's the worst thing that could happen - there might be some public conversation about using Jesus Name at an event? Again that's just more opportunity for you to share what you believe and why.

Just a few weeks ago I had a meal with someone from my wife's family who is an un-believer. The setting wasn't right for a direct approach or I didn't feel the Holy Spirit's leading (or perhaps I just wasn't bold enough) to talk about their faith. As we sat down for a meal at the restaurant together I simply said, "How about we pray for our meal, let's pray quick," then I started right in. Again I quickly a thanks to God for all His blessings, the blessings of getting together with family, and the blessing of a meal, and then I quickly thanked Him for His offering us eternal salvation through the gift of His Son Jesus Christ and said Amen." We then started right back into our conversation and enjoying the meal.

To share the conclusion of the meal... After the meal I got the bill and after getting my receipt back I placed a silver coin track for a tip (which I do virtually everywhere we eat.) Our guest just happen to notice (I hadn't even meant for them to see) and they said, "what's that a medallion"? I said it was a gospel tract and handed them one for themselves (I always keep several in my wallet). They said it was interesting so I followed up with, "I keep the big money here", and showed them a million dollar bill tract I always have on me too. They said it was cool so I told them to keep it, and they didn't refuse.

This person heard the gospel in a nutshell over prayer and they were left with a couple reminders that they can hold on to and see again later. Hopefully there is an open door for us to share later. At least the seed was planted. I'm sure God will bring another person to follow up.

Not ready for an open air sermon on the street corner, try praying the gospel in front of a friend this week.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wanna Witness? Wear your uniform!

As I tell people all the time, the uniform is a great tool for witnessing. Not only does the uniform allow us access to almost anywhere at anytime, it will always help start a conversation. Another example again today was just stopping at the grocery store on the way home. I was asked, "what are the symbols on the uniform about?" With just a couple moments from the check out to the car I was able to explain I was with the Salvation Army. When the "bagger" mentioned he thought we were just a thrift store I was able to explain we are called "The Salvation Army" and the "Salvation" was specifically because our goal is to let everyone know that only through a relationship with Jesus can one find Salvation from hell to heaven. I shared that all our services were a way to show God's love in a practical way and then explain to them the His ultimate gift of love to save them through Jesus Christ.

Not bold enough to approach a stranger, just wear your uniform, be prayed up, and be ready to share when they come to you.

The uniform is an amazing tool to help you with your verbal witness. Soldier up - dress for battle spiritually and physically, and share the gospel with someone this week!

Live holy, preach Jesus.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Only so many in the boat

Hello soldiers and fellow followers of Jesus,

This is just a quick brag on my daughter Emily. Last night around the dinner table something from school prompted the old reminder of the exercise that went, "you are in a boat at sea and there are more people than fit in the boat, you have to decide who to toss overboard, who do you pick", I went on to tell her that in the exercise there was usually a "cool" person, a "jock", a "rich" person, a "special needs" person, a "famous" person, and a "dork" of some kind. So I asked Emily, "If your teacher asked you who would you through out, what would you say?" Her response was, "I'd jump overboard to save a seat for someone else since I know I'm going to heaven.

If only we would  all be at the point where we were each willing to die to proclaim the message that Jesus saves for eternity, this lifeboat we are in now won't stay afloat forever, make sure you tell someone how to be right with God through a relationship with Jesus today.

Repent and be born again today - unlimited seats available in heaven!

Live holy, preach Jesus!