Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Francis Chan on Erasing Hell. Let's warn someone today!

This video is a little long, nearly 30 minutes, and is taken in entirety from

 Francis Chan talks about his life, ministry direction and why he wrote his new book, Erasing Hell, with Relevant Magazine's Josh Loveless.

We as Salvationists believe in the eternal happiness of the righteous and the endless punishment of the wicked. We also believe that the only way to escape the realities of an eternity in Hell is an actively relationship with Jesus, a relationship based on repentance of our sins and the accepting of God's gracious gift of His Son Jesus Christ and the work He accomplished on the Cross.

If that is true, who must you share the truth of the gospel with today? If Hell and Heaven for eternity is at stake, what would keep you from telling everyone you meet?

Lord forgive me for my selfishness once again, and embolden me to love you enough that I am obedient to obey your command to preach the gospel to all creation, and embolden my love for everyone I ever meet, even in passing, that I would want them to know that you want know one to perish but all to come to salvation.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

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