Sunday, March 29, 2009

10 Excuses Not to Attend Church

— humor archive; submitted by Mike Herman, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

If you took the excuses people use for not going to church and applied them to other important areas of life, you'd realize how inconsistent we can be in our logic. For example:

10 Reasons Not to Wash
1. I was forced to as a child.
2. People who make soap are only after your money.
3. I wash on special occasions like Christmas and Easter.
4. People who wash are hypocrites—they think they are cleaner than everyone else.
5. There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best.
6. I used to wash. It got boring though, so I stopped.
7. None of my friends wash.
8. The bathroom is never warm enough in the winter or cool enough in the summer.
9. I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier.
10. I can't spare the time.

In all seriousness, going to church and religion will not get you saved, but once saved why wouldn't you want to coporately worship with others who are part of the Body of Christ that He has set up on this earth.

If your corps (or church) is not all it should be, or is missing a program or group you'd prefer, offer to help get it going.

Remember that you shouldn't go just to "get blessed", simply go to "bless God" and see how your expereince changes.

Whether you make it to a corps, a church, a cell group, or otherwise, spend some time with God today. Jesus, and Jesus alone, saves from sin and hell, for heaven and holiness.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

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