Friday, April 3, 2009

Did the devil invent my video game?

Just a thought...

I just wasted a bit of time with a simple video game. A simple "breakout" style, bounce the ball with a paddle game. It was free and nothing gross or impure, but a couple thoughts bounced into my mind as I played and I thought how much the devil did some of the same tricks.

1. I wasted too much time on something that was meaningless - don't get me wrong there is a time for "down time" and rest (I think even some mindless activitiy is o.k.), but I did spend too much time when you stop and think there is a battle waging in my town with eternal consequences.

2. The game kept offering changes to catch falling coins (of course you often lost your life "the ball" while off in their pursuit not keeping your eye on the ball). What good is it to gain the whole world chasing after material things and loose your soul?

3. At times the game surprised me with multiple "balls", of course I could clear my screen faster, but the most likely result was that in my trying to juggle too many "balls in the air" I would again loose sight of all of them quickly and again loose my life in the midst of all the busyness.

Perhaps in the midst of "playing the game" I am reminded that I, like many believers, face some of the devils favorite schemes...

*living for Jesus is not a game - let's soldier up and get fighting.
*there are times to rest and refresh, but don't be lazy, or waste time on things unimportant to your Commanders orders.
*don't get caught up in the pursuit of chasing things, in the chasing after falling coins you may loose your very life.
*don't juggle too many things and loose sight of what's really important to your mission - don't get lost in the "busyness" or the "business" - our job is to live holy and preach the saving gospel of Jesus Christ to all creation.

If you have fallen into any of these areas (like I confess I have before) confess, repent and turn from them, and jump back into the fray.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

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