Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday - If you're a donkey, Jesus makes all the difference.

Hello sodiers and friends,

Just in case you missed church today "Palm Sunday", for whatever reason from your health to the volcanic ash, here is a Palm Sunday thought from a few years back. (don't forget to check out today's sermon posted tomorrow)

Today we celebrate Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday is such an important event in the life of Jesus, and for us as believers, that it is recorded in all 4 of the Gospels, but today to look at Luke 19:28-40 (take time to read it).

Let's think about the donkey a minute.

Donkeys play an important part in Scripture. A donkey that taught Balaam a valuable lesson. A donkey carried Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem. A donkey that carried the baby Jesus into Egypt to escape the wrath of Herod. Now in the last part of Jesus life we see a donkey carrying Him in His triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Horses are beautiful animals with coats that shine in the sun. They have flowing manes that ripple in the breeze, and long graceful legs that eat up the miles. They have soft eyes, and even their breath make a sound that radiates power & strength. They walk with a dignity and are a picture of power, but not a donkey…

A donkey’s hair looks like ours does when we get up in the morning, their tail is unkempt and the mane is nothing beautiful to behold. Donkey ears are big and floppy and his braying sound is more like laughing than a huff of power, yet on the road to Jerusalem this little donkey hears the people shouting, "Hosanna!" and sees the crowds of people spreading their cloaks on the road before him.

I read someone’s writing that said, “I wonder if the donkey thought the parade was for him.”

Donkey’s aren’t supposed to be in parades…, even today in parades we see people on horseback, not donkeys. Here though this donkey appears to be the focal point of attention. Why? Because he is carrying the King of Kings, & the Lord of Lords.

Tomorrow the donkey will be in the corral again. But today he is the head of a parade of vicotory, because of Jesus. Today he is where the horse would usually be. Today he is the prancing stallion carrying the victor to his throne. Jesus made all the difference!

Jesus does make all the difference.

Do you ever have any donkey like attributes? (yes you do) Most of us aren’t the most amazing looking symbols of power and dignity. More often than not I feel smaller, less significant, and sometimes even more stubborn than others around me. If you feel like me then you should get this point.... Jesus makes all the difference.

Just like the donkey, we don’t deserve a parade for how great we are, when you let Jesus come into your life and rule the throne of your heart, He makes all the difference.

Today as you spend some time in worship of Jesus, and as you reflect on the upcoming rememberance of Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, remember that we don't live our lives to have crowds cheer for us, we must live to walk with Jesus, ever pointing others to the fact that He is our Lord and Savior.

Don't just be a donkey today, use every opportunity to show Jesus to the world.

Only Jesus saves from sin, sinning, and hell TO holiness, abundant life, and heaven. Don't be a donkey, give your life to Jesus and live every moment for His glory. Jesus makes all the difference.

Live holy, preach Jesus!

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